
Question :
1.       Did you like this job?
2.        How initially until you can become a teacher in this slbn?
3.       What a difference teaching as a regular school teacher with outstanding school teachers?
4.       What are the character of the pupil of your students?
5.       Pupils how you handle?
6.       Whether you've got a serious problem in teaching?
7.        Menagajar how you?
8.       How many students your class?
9.       Ups and downs of what you in your work?
10.   How your future expectations?

            Answer :
1.       Yes
2.       Was recommended by brother
3.       Usually much if his school teacher and there is no challenge, while becoming extraordinary school teacher although each class of only 1 or 2 of his disciples, but it takes patience
4.       Hyperactive
5.       Mild mental retardation, who have problems in reading and math
6.       Ever, when teaching children with autism. because children with autism disorders are difficult to communicate much less eye contact so special methods are needed to handle it.
7.       Generally the same as the teacher, if the difference in the vocational schools biassa not that much given academic
8.       but with different capabilities
9.       Joy, many, especially the teachers are very nice, whereas no grief
10.   Expectations other than wanting to make the children successful and independent, we as teachers would like to be considered let alone still as honorary teachers

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